Monday 19 October 2009

my aims for this news broadcast and further reading with action plan

For this year our task is to create a foundation portfolio that is a recorded radio news show
i have choosen to work a group with both alex and ruhul as not only do we work well individually but we're realy at our best when we're working as a group our news cast will involve both national and local news to do this as best as we can we will all be researching national radio stations and then cross refrencing them with local stations to see what conventions are kept the same for both and what is made differnt for local and national news.
i am already quite knowledgable about radio broadcast and will try and get some of my ideas into the group such as the idea of using vox pops.

Texts by Andrew Crisell for further reading:

An introductory history of british broadcasting 2002
a study of modern television: thinking inside the box 2006
radio 2008
understanding radio 1994

Action Plan:
with our coursework we have been asked to make a 5 minute news program. to be able to do this to the best of our abilities we have collaborated ideas and use them to create a simple but affective action plan:

week 1: research.
For our research we will be examining and analysing three differnt radio shows in various regions of the country this way we can draw a more represntative view of what the audience like to get from a news program this research will involve each of us picking a local or national radio station to analyse in differnt aspects such as the language used and how formal or informal the show is, and then presenting our findings to the other members of the group.

week 2: research and planning.
In this week we will have given our feedback to the group and presented what we thought worked well and what didn't after this if we feel we do not have sufficiant knowledge of what the audience would like in our piece then we will analyse more radio stations and again feedback to the group, however if we believe our research and analysis is sufficiant then we will begin to start picking out what we could then use in our show. i believe that this will be such things as an on air interview with a person who would be a key figure in the topical debates being discussed as i believe this will demonstrate an excelent understanding of what out niche audience wants to hear.

week 3: planning.
After we have discussed in our group about the differnt types of radio conventions that we believe we could use for our piece we will then start looking for stories that we can then fit into our setup, we will try and get a range of differnt stories such as sports, weather, local news and global stories. this way we can appeal to a much larger target audience thus increasing the likelyhood of the audience recieving the text.

week 4 and 5: recording.
In this first week of recording i do not believe that we will be abe to record several piece that we will then be able to use in our piece but i see this week as more of an introductory week as we will be using a program called audacity which none of the group have ever incountered before so we will still be getting use to all the controls and seeing what effects the program can offer us that will be relevent to our piece.
Following on from the first week i beieve we will be well in our stride through using audacity and will be ready to sit down and produce several hard hitting stories that our audience wil recieve well we intend to finish recording in this second week.

week 6 and 7: editing.
For editing the group has come together already to discuss some very intresting ideas that i believe we will have lots of fun in trying them out these ideas include doing a satalite interview in which we are going to try to preform by distorting the quality of the sound in the sound clip, this idea came about after i had said how i had been watching ITV news and they had done a satelite interview with a news corrispondant in Afganistan and had experienced technical gliches such as a delay in speech and seizing up of the audio and visual elements of the interview.

week 8: finishing touches.
For the final week we plan to re-evalute our piece and see what we could improve upon for example if we need to re-record a section or if we think of a new way of getting another radio convention into our piece. in this week we will also make sure that our final cut of our news program is up on the blog.

throughout our recording i will be uploading my blog to show how far we have got and if that sticks to our original plan shown above, aswell as including media theorists that link to our work and what my contribution to the group has been.

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