Wednesday, 31 March 2010

This video will be followed up of my written evaluation where i have gone into more depth about the good and bad of our media project.

1 comment:

  1. Planning: Liam showed a proficient level of planning his audio coursework. His research was detailed, with detailed analysis of a variety of shows. I particularly liked that fact he had summarised how he completed the planning part of the task, evaluating work he had done so far anfd how the planning process changed their final outcome. He recognised the need to adapt choices made and showed a proficient level of technical ability, taking care into presenting his work via the blog. Main task:There is basic levels of creative use of technical skills.The introductory jingle lasted a little too long. There is a distortion of sound levels between the jingle and news reporters. There is also some distortion on the phone call to Haiti, the clips do not flow due to the fluctuation of sounds. The backgrpund levels in the sport news seems more balanced however the jingle is used too often. The group seem to have a limited understanding of local news conventions, this is particularly evident in the weather bulletin which details news from the whole of the U.K. Liam was obviously instrumental in the organisation and editing process, therefore I feel he should receive higher marks than the tow other candiadtes in his group. Evaluation: Liam completed a video analysis for his evaluation. He showed a low level of proficiency in this task. He was able to evaluate his choices and the outcomes, picking up issues with the final piece. He showed he understood how he developed from the preliminary task to the main piece.
