Tuesday 26 January 2010

time plan and update

time plan 5 mins estimate time

jingle 20-30 seconds RECORDED
news headlines 20-30 seconds to be read by me and alex
main story in depth 1 minute to be read by alex
vox pop 30 seconds to be carried out on location by ruhul
funny news stories 20-30 seconds to be read by me
football news 20-30 seconds to be read by me
weather 20-30 RECORDED read by alex
vox pop 30 seconds RECORDED on location read by ruhul
jingle 20-30 seconds RECORDED

plan for news headlines to be read by me and alex
1)19 year old part time shop assistant has been found murdered on a riverside footpath in reading.
2)relatives of vincent van gogh launch a major exhibition of the artists work and correspondance in london.
3) children's secretary ed balls has called for the urgent scruting of a loophole which allows corporal punishment in part time schools.
4)all you can drink bar offers could be banned and ID checks made compulsory under a planned code for England and Wales.

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