Monday 18 January 2010

creating the jingle and exploring vox pop

Recently during our time in the Recording-Room we worked on creating our new jingle.This change has come about as although the jingle was succesful in our preliminary task as it reached the youth radio listeners through its upbeat and comical values, We believed that for our news broadcast to be taken seriously we needed a more hard hitting jingle that would eventually signify our news show and alert the listner though the jingle. We also felt that since we were no longer just looking to focus on the youth sociolect that we need to create a jingle that would attract all differnt types of audience niches not just one in particular. To achieve this we created a powerful 'theme-tune' that mimicked the music of a news show and introduced the name of our program at the end rather than during the music; this technique was inspired by 'The News at 10' when a deep voice announces the name of the show after the famous chime of Big Ben and their music.

For our radio piece we intend to use a Vox Pop as we are trying to fit as many different radio techniques into our work as possible whilst still working effectively. A Vox Pop is an ‘on location’ report used frequently on news shows. Vox Pop comes from the latin phrase Vox Populi which translates as the voice of the people as a reporter will get the local opinions whilst on location. An example of this would be on ITV news when the report was in a local town reporting on the recent snowfall in the area and he was interviewing several of the young children and asking them what they thought of the recent snowfall.

We are yet to decide what story we will use our Vox Pop on, but have decide we may use a media-effect to give it a disrupt the sound as there are frequently audio interferences when broadcasting from far away from the studio. A key exam of this was a GMTV broadcast when they had there corrispondent in afganistan when a bomb exploded in the distance causing various technical problems as the statilite transmitter had been jolted.

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